We are seeing a rapidly developing, and very strong movement toward self care, and there are many reasons for that. We have all witnessed some of the benefits of pharmaceutical prescriptions & medications, as well as the devastating results of addiction and unbalance caused by some drugs. Biologically, humans and animals are designed, driven, and ‘pre-programmed ‘ to seek and experience pleasure. Pleasure is far more pleasurable when we are healthy and feel good! In order to feel and perform at our optimum best, every living being requires nourishment and nutrition.  The originating source that provides the chain of life to grow strongly, vigorously, and to continue on– is light (photons). Without it, humans and most animals cannot exist. This is one of the inherent wisdoms of our bodies and how they function. We all need the Power of Light!

The beautiful thing about Light Therapy is that it is safe. It doesn’t have negative side effects, and doesn’t require drugs, needles, or topically applied cremes and lotions to work. With the correct wavelength of light you can address pain, poor circulation, inflammation, wound care, problem skin, sore muscles and a host of other issues. This is self-care at its best. While Light Therapy does not claim to “cure” any issue, it can support the body’s natural healing ability. We have another blog post about Nitric Oxide that helps explain the biological process that occurs when the body is provided with photons, or light, at specific wavelengths.

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